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Our Mission:

WIN the lost proclamation through the Gospel by any means possible. This includes casting out demons, healing the sick, and performing miracles through
the power of the Holy Spirit. Minister to God's flock through Bible study and prayer at meetings Affirm them in faith.
DISCIPLE each believer to walk in the ways of God and His Word in the School of Disciples. Plant leaders in different houses to open the Life Groups to collect 
souls to win them for the Kingdom of God. 
We are passionate about expanding the Kingdom of God in the city of Los Angeles and to the ends of the earth with the supernatural power of God.

To bring the good news of the kingdom of God to the poor in spirit, 
the brokenhearted, to set captives free, to give sight to 
the blind, to set the oppressed free through 
all possible means

Follow up with the new believer and watch over their 
needs so that they are affirmed and remain firm 
in the path of the Lord through the life groups.

Lead each believer to be a disciple and a strong 
worker in the kingdom of God. 
Train, equip and help you discover and fulfill God's 
purpose, call and will for your life; bring him to 
know his identity as a son 
and responsibilities in the kingdom of God.

Commission each disciple to do the will of God and 
reach his destination, sending 
him with powerful weapons to extend the kingdom 
of God, casting out demons, 
healing the sick, performing signs, miracles, wonders 
and wonders through the 
establishment of life groups throughout the city.

Each leader that has been launched must remain 
under the ministry's umbrella and thus 
be willing to have their work supervised so that 
we are more effective, have better control 
and are more productive.

The Vision is the way in which God reveals himself 
to man to make known his purpose, 
his plan to establish his kingdom. The vision 
consists of having a clear image of what God wants to
do and that man executes it. The vision is like 
the engine, the force that drives us to do what 
God wants and will help us overcome all kinds 
of adversities through the Holy Spirit.
 A vision given by God does not produce
 personal praise, but for God, and leads us to glorify 
Jesus Christ. The vision is what makes us 
successful, and the successful leader cares about knowing
what the Lord's purpose is for his life. The vision is 
spiritual and everything that is wanted must 
first be seen and gained in the spiritual with the 
eyes of God and called by faith.

+1 (323) 578 2601
D.R. 2025
Web administrator
Iglesia Ríos de Agua Víva
1809 West Blvd, Washington Blvd
Los Ángeles, ⁠CA 90019
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