InThe Church
The PentecostalMovementRivers ofLiving Water,Inc.was founded in June1983 inLosAngeles, California.
It startedwith eightpeople in asmall apartment inone of themostcontentiousareasof the city.
The moving of theHolySpiritwas so great thatthe group soongrewto40 people andin 1995 wasrecognized asa corporationby the State ofCalifornia.
The moving of theHolySpiritwas so great thatthe group soongrewto40 people andin 1995 wasrecognized asa corporationby the State ofCalifornia.
Duringall these yearswe had movedin differentsmall venues.
Currently themembershipexceeds 300 membersand continues to grow, as eachdaythe Lordaddedsoulsthat becomealmost everyservice.