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What is a Life Group?
"Continuing daily in the temple, and patiendo the bread in their homes and ate together with glad sensillez at Heart" Hch.2: 46.

Or cells that are Life Groups?
They are called Life Groups because we have the life of Christ to the lost. They are small groups that meet weekly in a home to win souls, support and monitor the newly converted,
teaching the word of God in a way sensilla and practice. A Life Group is a family that opened the doors of your home to greet the neighbors, friends, relatives and siblings to share the Gospel.

Because we use this model of the Life Groups?
When Jesus came to this land, development ministry having meetings in homes. Jesus is our perfect model to imitate and follow, if Jesus was effective in his ministry,
we want to continue the work he started.

Jesus did at home?
Jesus preached and taught the word, also healed the sick and cast out demons.

What was the vision of the early Church?
The early church followed the same model that made it possible for Jesus ministry growth through two meetings in homes and in the temple (Acts 5:42)

What are the essential purposes of all Life Group?
Life Groups are an extension of the main church.
They preach the gospel to the lost and provide a place for the salvation of the neighbors. The Life Group meets the mission of evangelism, inviting friends,
neighbors and family each week to win them to Christ.
Affirm the decision of any new convert and look after their needs, and the life group meetings provided more direct care for each person.
Life Groups provide a friendly family atmosphere. The purpose is to reflect God's love and know that God is interested in having a close relationship with each person.

If you are interested in attending a Life Group near you can do it here or contact us.
+1 (323) 578 2601
D.R. 2025
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Iglesia Ríos de Agua Víva
1809 West Blvd, Washington Blvd
Los Ángeles, ⁠CA 90019
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